About Me

Hi! My name is Wenceslao Villanueva Jr. but I go by Jay. I want to teach you about making games.

From the first time I was exposed to controlling a line on a TV screen that could hit a square ball, I’ve been hooked on video games. It took me years to get to the point where I started making mods. Longer to make what you would call a “game”. Up until now I’ve worked for over 17 years in the Game Industry and have shipped many titles. 

Being able to make games has changed my life and I’m going to share this craft here. I get excited making games and talking about the Art, Design and Business of making games. I want to show you, you can too.

how does one get into making games?

Have no idea how? Sign up for my newsletter and I send you a FREE guide on how to approach getting into the Game Industry! Learn what a Game Designer does. Learn about the different approaches to getting into making games. After that I’ll be emailing out about various projects about making games!


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